The 4th Nordic RWE Conference 2020

  • 11. Feb 2020
  • 09.00-17.00
  • Påmelding er stengt
  • The 4th Nordic RWE Conference 2020 – Collaboration between Pharma industry and Academia

    Open for registration (påmelding)

    Save the date to the 4th Nordic conference on Real World Evidence, Collaboration between Pharma industry and Academia. The aim of the conference is to show how RWE is changing the landscape for drug development and clinical use and to present RWE Initiatives that put the Nordic region in the forefront.

    The conference is funded by Nordic Trial Alliance, Nordplus and NordForsk and is free of charge. It will be arranged as a part of the Oslo Life Science conference,

    Time and place:

    February 11th , 09.00-17.00

    Kaare Norum, Oslo Cancer Cluster, Ullernchausseen 64 in Oslo.


    A reception in the City Town Hall will be arranged February 10th from 17.00 (Separate registration will be provided)

    The event is being streamed free of charge here. 

    Contact person:

    Monica Larsen ( ) +47 48267572

    The main focus on the conference will be on RWD for clinical drug development, RWE for health technology assessments and implementation of new drugs on the market and RWE initiatives that put the Nordic region in the forefront.


    Påmelding er stengt for denne hendelsen.